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  • Writer's pictureKathryn Harriss

Living With A Chronic Illness

Being diagnosed with a chronic illness can bring about a sense of loss of what might have been had you remained healthy. You may well have undergone a lengthy course of medical investigations which can be exhausting. Once you have received the diagnosis, you find yourself trying to find out more information about what is to come. Some of this is useful, some of this is scary. Some people chose to join groups for support, others chose to go it alone. Either way, there is a lot to process.

What strategies can you use to get the most out of your life now? Sometimes, you just need to take time out to look after yourself physically and accepting this can be hard if you’ve always seen yourself as a strong person. Your physical health might have suffered a setback but I can support you in working on your mental health so that you can build on your overall resilience.

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